Thursday, October 9, 2014

Thankful for the many blessings...

Thanksgiving 2014…a time to be thankful. Should we remind ourselves to be thankful, more often? Most definately. It seems that everything is about speed and efficiency not stillness and labour of love. How can we get things done faster to cram more things into our day, week, month, year but are we missing the quality of our friendships, the love and patience for our family and the true meaning of a REALationship. There's nothing real about them anymore. We've become disconnected to human beings and more connected to machines that give us nothing in return, except idle information. The blood, sweat and tears that are involved in loyal, caring and compassionate REALationships…are being lost. So I come to you with this….be more thankful and spend more time on the REALationships that empower you to grow, to be strong, to be weak and to be loved.

My personal thanks, go out to all the people that have supported me through a year that tested me, on so many levels. Separation of my almost 9 years of marriage, the dramatic changes for my daughter and myself, major hip surgery, moving into a new home, the joys of hormone changes, the death of my Grandma (best friend) and a million little things in between. Without you all, I don't know where I would be.  I thank you all from the bottom of my heart.

Be safe this Thanksgiving and may we are REALly reconnect!

Blessings and gratitude,

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